Blog o randomness

Well, i might as well join the blog party Figjams is here Meakins is here and Nyes (or pishnagambo as he likes to style himself) is here alsp, laurie, cause he is a whining bitch Enjoy

Monday, August 14, 2006


Hi all. This is more a motivational post for me, to help me knuckle down and get training for the races i've got coming up

Name: Date: Type:
nZo 12 Hr 9 Sept Mountain Bike - 6hrs riding
Mont 24 Hr 7 Oct Mountain Bike - 6hrs riding
Noosa Tri 29 Oct Road Bike - ~1hr riding


Week starting 13th August 2006:
Sunday 13 - 32k ride - yarramundi nat park (Mountain bike on dirt) @~15k/hr
Monday 14 - ~4.5k run - 23min
Tuesday 15 - 6.4k run - 32 min
Wed 16 - 12k ride - Lane Cove Nat Park (Mountain bike on road) 30 min
Saturday 18k ride - Bike Path to Kedron (with family) (Mountain bike on road) 1 hr (slow brothers :P)

Week starting 20th August 2006:
Sunday 15k - Gap Creek Reserve (mountain bike on dirt) 1hr
Wednesday 36k Homebush (road bike) 1hr16m @28.45km/h

Week starting 27th August 2006:
Sunday 30k Homebush (road bike) 1hr 10 @ 27.3km/hr
Monday 5.5k Run (LCNP and up towards gordon), 33min

Week starting 3rd Sept 2006:
Wednesday 12k Mountain bike

RACE 9th Sept 2006 - nZo
9 Laps - 68.5km @ ~14k/hr - Got to do better

Week starting 10th Sept 2006:
Thursday - Ride to Work (Mountain bike - 14km)

Week starting 17th Sept 2006:
Sunday - Ride from Kuringai to Pittwater - Mountain bike on road, hilly, 56km
Tues - Homebush Road bike, 36k 1hr 18 28km/hr average
Wednesday - Homebush Road Bike 30k 1hr 16 26km/hr average (with CraigN)
Week starting 24th Sept 2006:

Week starting 4th Oct 2006:
RACE 7th Oct 2006 - Mont

Week starting 8th Oct 2006:

Week starting 15th Oct 2006:

Week starting 22nd Oct 2006:

Week staring 29th Oct 2006:
RACE 29th Oct 2006 - Noosa Tri

I'm going to update this as I go.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Working till 11:30pm on Wednesday = sux0r
Getting to work at 9:30 on Friday, taking an hour lunch, and leaving at 3pm to go mountain biking = Win!!!!!!

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Sunday, May 14, 2006

Hawkesbury Trip

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Sunday, May 07, 2006

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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

You scored as Hoban 'Wash' Washburne. The Pilot. You are a leaf on the wind, see how you soar. You have a good job, and a stunning wife who loves you (and can kill people). Life is good, which is why you can't help smiling. Now if you can just get people to actually listen to your opinion things would be perfect.

Kaylee Frye


Hoban 'Wash' Washburne


River Tam


Simon Tam


The Operative


Zoe Alleyne Washburne


Capt. Mal Reynolds


Inara Serra


Shepherd Derrial Book


Jayne Cobb


Which Serenity character are you?
created with

Monday, October 03, 2005

Been a while hey...

I'm sitting here, not able to sleep, and having a ponder at the end of a long weekend.

I had a good time; had 2/4 Nye boys here from friday night till sunday. Was good to see them and to catch up.
Sunday arvo, I went to the beach with jess; just to harbord (35-40 min away), but it was quite nice. Water was very cold.

Today (monday) was good also, it was the inaugural "Meat Day", which involved having some of teh grads around and cooking up copious amounts of meat (from kanga bangas to prawns), and drinking beer and daquiries. Also went for a tootle down and up bobbin head, which was fun.

End result of all of this, is me sitting here working out what I want to do with my spare time, for the next couple of months.

The tri-athlon is soon, so I should get out on the bike more - will have to work out some nice training rides - bobbin head is good, but I'd like somehting a little shorter that I can easily do before or after work.

I also have some car parts arriving soon, which should mean that I'll be able to spend some time under the bonnet of the car. Will be therapeutic I think.

Still, so many things that I'd like to do, but I just lack the motivation - mum says its an typical wilson thing - our house is filled with half built devices and projects from Ken Senior and Co.

I'd planned to write a computer game during the night, but found that I didnt really want to code for myself, after coding all day at work. Maybe this manual labour with the car and the bikes, and random other things will work out better.

I'd also like to finish making these bike lights, as its becoming warm enough for night riding, which would be quite fun I expect.

Anyway, best try to get to sleep, as I want to get into work on the bike tomorrow morning.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

A long time between posts


Well, almost a month has passed; its still weird, but getting on with it none the less.

Went for an awesome ride today:

Got up at 6:20 ish, had some left over chinese (brekkie of champions), and put on my new winter riding jersey
Its an awesome jersey - so worth the money.

So any, put jersey and knicks on, then put my bike on the cars roof, and motored down to Craigs place. We popped his bike on the roof too, and headed out to rustic glenbrook, in the lower blue mountains. Nice drive along the M4 with no tolls (havent paid a toll in sydney yet - take that carr) and 45 minutes later, we were in the carpark of glenbrook station. In about 5 minutes time, mike turned up, and we unloaded the bikes then headed to the station. After a 30 minute wait, our train arrived, and we jumped on for a 30 min journey to woodford, which is a couple of stations higher up in the mountains.

We disembarked, then mounted up, riding 5 minutes to the trailhead of the Oaks trail, a 28k ride from Woodford to Glenbrook.

The ride started off with a rocky firetrail that smoothed out into beautifully hardpacked dirt; we were rolling along at 35k/hr with no effort at all. After a fair bit of flat/downhill (hit 55 ;) ), the track turned abruptly turned rocky again, just after a rather quick corner. That was a bit hairy, but we all got through it. We then had some climbs and downhills, up until the 15 k mark. Thats when the real fun began; we got to the singletrack.

To me, the best kind of single track is one thats straightish, with lots of bumps and ruts, and one that you can shift into big ring, and really get moving.

This was one of them. Craig headed off first, and I hung behind mike. After a minute or so, mike gestured me passed, so I decided to catch up to Craig.

The sensation of speed along this track was unbelievable, the brush and bushes just became a blur, and all i was concerned with was watching the track for bumps. This single track went on like this for another 5 or 6 k's, I caught Craig, and we stopped at a wider section to wait for mike. We were both so stoked with that run; everything just flowed so well. So, we waited for mike... and waited...and waited. Then another rider came along, so we asked him if he'd seen him. "Yeah dude, he's changing a flat". Hah!. So we headed back, and met up with him. Mike had been jinxing himself for the last 5 k's about a pinch flat, so we gave him a serve, and continued on. We then arrived at Little Moab. tres technical! Its a very rocky descent down a small water course, and across some rocks. Craig and I had ridden this before, in the rain, so it was nowhere near as slippery this time, but still pretty hairy. We'd almost got to the end, when i heard a "pssht...sssht....sssht" coming from my back tyre. A pinch flat!. We pulled over, and Craig continued to give mike and I shit about pinchflatting. I put the new tube in, and put the wheel back on, and we turned the bikes around to head off. Craig hopped on his bike, and went over the first rock. We heard a clunking noise, and


His back tyre was flat. So, mike and i stood around and laughed while Craig change his tube. We then decided that popping a tyre now would really suck, as we had no more spares. We got onto the national park road, and then cruised down to the wier. We crossed the weir, then headed up the hill out of the national park. Its a real prick of a climb, and we were stuffed at the top. Craig had beaten us up there, and headed off, while mike and i headed back to the carpark at a more subdued pace. We then went to the bakery and had some chow, then headed home. All in all, an excellent ride - I'm very lucky to have found some fellow mtb'ers down here.

So as of now, the plan for the rest of the day is to eat left over chinese, watch bad santa, and maybe play some CS.

tough stuff.