Blog o randomness

Well, i might as well join the blog party Figjams is here Meakins is here and Nyes (or pishnagambo as he likes to style himself) is here alsp, laurie, cause he is a whining bitch Enjoy

Saturday, May 29, 2004


Had a good talk with my best friend this arvo, about certain evil plans to take over the known world as we know it, or, put succinctly, what the fuck we are going to do for a crust when we finish uni (yeah i know this is a long sentence, and i havent capitalised or punctuated, but im not a fricking art student (thats for you figjam))

Basically, the gist of our discussion was that if we were ever going to "make it", we would, at some stage, have to go out on our own.

Step 1. find product
Step 3. profit

sounds like a fun game to me.

I've got the third and final interview at Accenture coming up, and i guess im not really looking forward to it, as if i pass this one, they're going to offer me a job, and ill have to decide whether or not to take it.

part of me says "take it you fool, its money"
and the other says "its not what you wanted to do, you can do better"

Stupid voices... i'll say right now, i dont know if i'd enjoy it, but its a job.

decisions suck teh cawk


At 9:39 AM, Blogger Paul Dawson said...

Well Kenneth,

Such decisions no doubt build character - backing out of it isn't going to help at all. Myself, after three years at uni of having very little money, I have decided "screw it" and have taken the option of money. I do honours part-time, but at the end of my two years, I'm going to have a new car, and money in the bank. I'm assuming this job kicks in at the end of this year.

Personally, I'd go for it, unless you have other jobs on the cards that may come up. Also, if you have work experience in your chosen field, in addition to an honours level degree, that's going to help you get ahead of people who are walking straight out of uni with just a degree.

Besides, with the money you engineers are going to make, I really can't see why you're worried about striking out on your own.

At 8:28 PM, Blogger kenz0r said...

Well, another job is on the cards now - and its something i'd enjoy a lot more.



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