Blog o randomness

Well, i might as well join the blog party Figjams is here Meakins is here and Nyes (or pishnagambo as he likes to style himself) is here alsp, laurie, cause he is a whining bitch Enjoy

Saturday, January 22, 2005


Hey Chumps,

Well, to give a quick precis - I'm in Sydney, and its all pretty sweet.

The moving van arrived at Jess's place on Tuesday, and Rhia and I set off at 5:30am on Wednesday morning. We arrived at Jess's place, stocked up on V, Red Bull, and Iced Tea, then we hit the road.

First stop was Warwick, where I tried the new Iced Coffee thick shake - 1/10 (didnt even taste like iced coffee :( )

Jess then took Rhia in her car for a while, and we drove to Tenterfield. Tenterfield was the lunch stop, which involved tasty sandwiches and left over sea food.

We then drove to Glen Innes, then Armidale (for fuel), then straight through Tamworth (thank god, too many Country Bumpkins posing in front of the Golden Guitar), and stopped at Scone (horse capital of Australia - apparently).

From there, we got to Maitland, where we had dinner, and after that, drove the last stretch to the house.

It was about 11pm (10pm for you Brisbanites) by then, so we basically unpacked the stuff from the cars, and went to bed.

The next morning, Rhia and I got up around 6 ish and went for an explore - First cool thing - we've got a mall 5 minutes walk away :D We found that we had a few nice bakery's about, so we got some croissants, and headed back.

That day was spent lazing around, and doing more exploring - as the truck was not coming till 8 am friday morning.

That evening, Jess and I ventured to the Chinese Supermarket, where we found copious amounts of Pocky (a chocolate snack that zelda loves).

On Friday morning, all our stuff arrived - lots of carrying and lifting and dismantling of doors (both house and fridge) - finally, everything is inside. The rest of the day is spent unpacking and setting up, and discovering the lack of ADSL modem :( - still dialup for the weekend isnt so bad.

I got my lair all set up - server reconstructed and running, sound system set up, and makeshift desk constructed. I then put Rhias desk back together, and started running network cable.

This morning, I had a sleep in (note: real beds > airbeds), and a lazy morning infront of Jess's TV. Luc and I then went for an explore - looking for a TV for me, and getting a better feel of the place. Luc and I spent a fair while in the local games shop, which Luc thinks sounds quite promising :).

I ended up with a DSE 51cm Flat screen TV. Very nice picture - component in for when I get a HD pack for the XBOX - all in all, a very nice TV.

Got that all setup, and Rhia promptly steals it for Fable playing purposes - ah well.

Thats basically the house progress so far - all is going well, and apart from the missing ADSL modem, and the lack of cutlery, it couldnt be better.



At 9:39 AM, Blogger Pishnagambo said...

you have to name the place

like nerd palace

or xbox hax0rs den

or beer swilling engineers that are really just nerds with a bit of paper calling them engineers

or the foshizzle my nizzle porn parlor

or the ..... its up to you ...

At 1:44 PM, Blogger Philip said...


Maximum Nerd Quotient,

Den of the DV8's

Traditional one - The Batcave,

Smallville in Bigville,

I dunno, I'm scraping a bit...


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